
About Jacqueline Ripstein

I'm Jacqueline Ripstein, and I'm devoted to inspiring your Life, to help add meaning into your life through helping you see through the Dark Veils...As you unveil your Light! Life's trials, tests, pain, suffering, our egos are but an opportunity to reveal through their darkness...Our Light! Each lesson in this Book The Art of HealingArt...is a step forward to our awakening, the fifteen lessons guide us step by step to a compilation of wisdom to support you to live your most empowered, fulfilled, abundant, and optimum life.

A Human Metamorphosis: The Magic Within the opportunity of Sickness

By Jacqueline Ripstein © A rare given gift was given to me when during times of health challenges and loaded by life's tests, I realized that sickness could be turned into an enlightening opportunity. For 3 years I was forced to "listen only," not being able to talk clearly, I learned that the constant chat, stress [...]

By |2016-12-13T02:11:09-04:00October 20th, 2013|Blog|0 Comments

The New Invisible Art Techniques of Jacqueline Ripstein

The New Invisible Art Techniques of Jacqueline Ripstein Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo! I used to sing this and dance to it when I was four years old. My father had given me the most wondrous magic wand made from cardboard and wrapped in aluminum foil. It sparkled like a star! I believed in magic – my wand and [...]

By |2016-12-13T02:11:10-04:00September 12th, 2013|Magazine & Blog|0 Comments
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